Why do you sow seed? And what is seed?
Although Apostle Paul encouraged the peeple to always give, but he never played on their intelligence to get money from them. He didn't tell them to give #2,000 to receive #40,000 magically in return. God is not a money doubler or a magician.
You sow seed to challenge God? You can't push God to do anything outside his will. Some give money to their pastors pocket sayin they want to provoke God to do something for them. It all bores down to our spiritual illiteracy!
Ask according to His will and it will be given to you, He didn't say sow seed and it will be given to you. Why are you carrying your money to false pastors and prophets?. What have they told you? They told you that your profit is in the hand of your prophet.
Do not be deceived! God said if you are willing and obedient you shall eat the fruit of the land(Isaiah 1:19).
Beware of false pastors who tell you to give #12,000 to get your miracle in the next 12hours, the pastors that tell you that Jesus died to remove your poverty, those that tell you that poverty is a sin. They only care about their pocket and they will direct your attention to earthly things instead of things above (Col 3:1-2). Some will even tell you to borrow so that you can come and give. Anyone that does all these things is FALSE!
Listen, You can give willingly, not the situation that someone will be pushing or forcing people to give even with grudges in their heart because they are not willing to give. People are been compared to borrow money and give to the church or pastor because they need blessing there by putting themselves in bondage, hence having curses instead of blessings.
Some will say "if you have #6,000 come out, after that #4,000, just like that till it gets to #50 and then he says, anything you have come and drop. These people do not pray anymore, they run to drop money for their prayers to be answered. These people are lazy, they can't pray but waiting for Daddy G.O to make prophecies upon their heads saying "this week is their week, money will enter your account etc. They write prayers in a paper and drop it in the box or basket for the man of God to do justice to it. Students will not read anymore, after exam they go to give money to pastor so that they will pass their exams. My friend, your money will not cover your failure because you have refused to do the right thing. You will FAIL !
What you sow, you will reap(Gal 6:7).
Be obedient to God, live holy, be righteous and it will be well with you, stop packing your money to false pastors all in the name of sowing seed because even you are greedy, you are not satisfied or content with what you have. And that is why you run after wolves in sheep clothing. You run after armed robbers in pastors suits and dress code.
You can Give willingly. Give to the poor, go to orphanage, give to destitute. Give to widows. God loves a cheerful giver, pay your tithe, give offerings, YOU CAN ALSO GIVE TO PASTORS willingly. But Stop fulling the bank account of pastors who will never be satisfied all in the name of sowing seeds. They money you pack to pastors who already have private jets and universities should be given to the poor and needy around you. Don't be greedy, giving to a man of God will not be better than giving to the less privilege who is dying unless you're a greedy man who thinks giving to that pastor will increase your money. You're foolish!
Don't let anyone deceive you by SOWING OF SEED. Jesus never asked anyone to do this. Seek for things above. You can sow anything at all. Giving is sowing... Give willingly and not be forced. Learn how to give when you do not have, learn how to give without expecting anything from God, contrary to what is taught by the modern teachers..
Give without expecting from God. This is true love for your Creator...Stop giving because you want your bank account to be doubled. Stop giving because you have been deceived by that Prophet.
Stop running after money lovers who call themselves pastors.
"For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability. Entirely ON THEIR OWN, they urgently pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing in this service to the saints." (2 Corinthians 8:3-4).
"For if the WILLINGNESS is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what he does not have." (2 Corinthians 8:12).
"Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever SOWS GENEROUSLY will also reap generously. Each man should GIVE WHAT HE HAS DECIDED IN HIS HEART TO GIVE, NOT RELUCTANTLY or under compulsion (or with force), for God loves a cheerful giver." (2 Corinthians 9:6-7).
PLEASE NOTE: This Post is not to discourage giving. Not at all... You have to be a giver, because Christianity is all about it. This post is to open our eyes to see the deception in the churches today. Giving is good, this we must do. But you must not be deceived by these greedy wolves in the pulpits today, whose belly is their god. Be enlightened, be wise!
Are you living in sin and unrighteousness but you are always sowing seed, my friend you are sowing in vain. You are laying curse on yourself. God does not accept unholy sowing, offerings and tithes. Repent today, that lies your blessings. Your blessing is not in the hand of any pastor or Prophet. Your help is in the Lord! Not man.
Seed is not necessarily money. Sowing means giving ANYTHING now but expecting your reward in heaven.
What then is the seed?
Let's see how Jesus answered this...
How much seeds (the Word of God) have you sown into the life of someone today???
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