Friday, March 20, 2015
SHOCKING!! See Scary Photos of Artiste that Got Long Goat Horn Implants On His Head
Dancehall artiste Furtyle Brain got real goat horns implanted into his head so he can stand out and be a bigger artiste. His photos scared the 'shet' out of me. What da heck?!
29 year old Furtyle, whose real name is Kenardo André Robinson, said the implants were done in Jamaica by a Canadian-based surgeon.
"It's really the process where the implants are implanted in the skull. I was sedated during the surgery but had to be given lots of painkillers when I was revived because it is very painful," he said.
On why he did the surgery which has come with a lot of backlash, dude said:
"I do believe that I got some form of prophetic instruction by God. I didn't do this alone. There are some people who think that I am demonic, but it doesn't bother me much as I am not the first artiste who is picked on. There are others who have done far less than I have done and have received a backlashing and bashing." he said.
See more photos of Furtyle after the cut and be amazed, guys! The things some human beings are doing to their bodies. Iyami!
PITIFUL!! Suge Knight Faints in Court after Judge Sets $25m Bail in Murder Case (Photos)
Death Row Records co-founder Marion "Suge" Knight fainted in a Los Angeles courtroom today after hearing a judge set his bail at $25 million over a murder and hit-and-run case.
This marked the second medical emergency the 49-year-old former CEO has suffered during his legal proceedings in a little more than a month. Several deputies rushed to his aid after he collapsed in his seat and he was later taken to a hospital.
His lawyer Matt Fletcher told reporters that Knight collapsed from lack of food and medication for
his diabetes and blood clots, which were diagnosed last year. He added that the music mogul did not eat anything before the hearing and last took his medication on Thursday.
Knight is accused of running over two men with a pickup truck in Compton, California following an argument. One of them died in the collision while the other was injured. His lawyer says this is a case of self-defense.
In February, a month after the incident, he pleaded not guilty to charges of murder, attempted murder and hit and run and was then hospitalized after reporting he felt unwell.
FLOP?? See The First Week Sales Projections For Kendrick Lamar's NAlbum "#TPAB"
Here are the projected first week numbers for "To Pimp a Butterfly".
After setting a Spotify streaming record, with almost 10 million streams on its first day, the next question on everyone's mind: What kind of numbers will To Pimp a Butterfly move in its first week? Remember that TDE CEO Anthony "Top Dawg" Tiffith predicted a whopping one million. Well, it's safe to say Tiffith was overly optimistic with his seven figure projection, but, nonetheless, the album's first week projections are very impressive.
According to HDD, whose estimates we can usually trust, To Pimp a Butterfly will sell between 350 and 375 thousand copies its first week (including streaming; 300-325k without). These initial numbers fall well below the first week numbers of Drake's If You're Reading This It's Too Late, which were close to 500k. The album should, however, outperform Good Kid, M.A.A.D. City, which moved 242k during its first week.
Remember, physical copies of TPAB arrived in stores a couple of days after the surprise online release. These numbers are still projections, and they are subject to change during the remainder of the week. We'll be sure to notify you when the actual figures come in.
Do you think these numbers accurately match the quality of TPAB? They certainly put those Drizzy numbers in perspective. It's now up to Kanye West to top 500k.
Source: HotNewHH
OH No!! Guys Please Don't Sag Without Boxers/Pant ..... (MindBoggling Photo)
Wow Science Advancement!! See All The Features Of The Next generation Cars (photos)
This transformation leaves it open to the same vulnerabilities as our consumer devices including hackers and viruses. Overcoming these obstacles will be critical to the success of connected vehicles. The industry is gearing itself up for the age of the 'connected car'. How will this manifest itself and how can such smart cars be protected from threats?
Five Years from Now
By 2020, the connected car will be an everyday reality, enabling new possibilities for drivers. You will be able to drop your car off at the garage for a service and monitor its progress from the office, hand over control to the car in a traffic jam or benefit from next generation connected infotainment services.
We will see the roll out of Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) Communication networks, which transform the car into an intelligent transport system capable of communicating with its environment. Together with Delphi, NXP has developed a platform that allows alerts to be delivered to vehicles from other cars and surrounding infrastructure to warn drivers of hazardous traffic situations. This platform could be seen on the road in as little as two years' time.
The success of V2V and V2I will largely depend on manufacturers' ability to convince consumers and governments that the technology is safe. Open networks are ripe targets for abuse from hackers. False messages and signals sent to cars or traffic lights could cause havoc. It's therefore vital that the right levels of authentication and approval are put in place. These security measures do not need to be created from scratch. By introducing existing 'banking level' security to the car at a chip level, similar to what we see today in ATM cards, digital IDs and passports, malicious elements can be blocked and vital systems protected.
Ten Years from Now
Car sharing fleets like ZipCar will be much more common by 2025. Users will be able to book a car on their smart phone and then use Near-field-communication (NFC) to access it. NFC will also be used to personalize car settings: your favorite radio station, preferred temperature and seat position will all be stored on your mobile device and adjust instantly when putting your phone to a sensor pad on the car. While these concepts might sound futuristic all the required technology already exists. In Germany, smart licences have been introduced and can be used to access Car2Go vehicles.
NXP is the co-inventor and number one supplier of NFC and recently unveiled a complete automotive qualified NFC portfolio with world's first NCI-based NFC controller for secure car connectivity. The revolutionary product family means auto manufacturers can not only provide immediate benefits to end users, but can also embrace the innovations of the future.
Data protection will be of paramount importance, as car-sharing companies will need to hold a lot of personal data to allow the user to access, personalize and activate the car. To ensure these details are kept safe from threats we need to take the lessons learned from other areas of enterprise and cloud security and apply them directly to the car.
Twenty Years from Now
Twenty years from now, interaction between drivers and their cars will change completely. Younger generations will have grown up with totally different in-car technology and will view the car not as something to be driven, but as something to drive with. Voice recognition systems will be used by everyone and the smart car will act as a co-driver or even driver.
By this stage cars will probably be more intelligent than the driver when it comes to the environment around them. They will know how best to avoid traffic jams, which routes to take and will be able to respond to hazards far more quickly and effectively than the average driver. Many may prefer the car to do all the driving. This will reduce accidents caused by human error and will hugely increase mobility for the elderly and disabled.
In order for self-driving to become a reality, legislation will also form a core element of ensuring consistent security. Both consumers and governments need to be convinced. Various industry groups, such as the Car 2 Car Consortium, are already collaborating to put these standards in place.
Once the hurdles surrounding security and legislation have been overcome, which I am confident they will be, the future of the connected car looks very promising indeed.
EXPOsITO!! I slept with prominent pastors and ministers’ – International Prostitute (PICTUREs)
A young lady who was declared missing over a decade ago in Ghana has turned up at Pastor T.B. Joshua's church in Nigeria with a harrowing tale to tell.
"I was an international prostitute," the young lady who gave her name as Precious tearfully told the congregation at The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) on Sunday, March 15, 2015.
Young lady identified as Precious who was declared missing over a decade ago in Ghana has turned up at Pastor T.B. Joshua's church in Lagos on Sunday, March 15, 2015 with a harrowing tale to tell.
According to Precious, her problems emanated from an unusual encounter she had with a man coming home from school aged 15. "He asked me to give him an apple I had eaten," she explained.
"When he was going, he smiled at me in a weird way. That night, I saw the same man in my dream sleeping with me. I woke up in a pool of blood."
The once bright and prodigious student began mingling with bad friends at school and was forcibly introduced one night to an intoxicating mix of alcohol and marijuana, causing her to pass out.
"When I woke up, I saw myself naked on the bed and realised someone had slept with me," she confessed.
Convinced to run away from home, Precious' new group of friends introduced her to a lady leading an international prostitution ring.
Equipped with skimpy clothes and housed in a luxurious apartment, the young girl entered fully into the dirty world of prostitution, sleeping with multiple men every night.
Unbeknown to her, a manhunt had ensued for Precious, her disappearance from home even being announced on national television and radio.
Apart from dressing seductively, the young lady was informed diabolical routes must be taken to ensure success in her fledgling 'career'.
Taken to a notorious witchdoctor, a special cream mixed with the follicles of her vaginal hair was prepared for the purpose of seduction.
Precious' new lifestyle was accompanied by an intense addiction to alcohol and smoking to the extent that it practically replaced food.
"I didn't just drink beer," she explained. "I would take whisky or hard liquor instead of eating food. As much as I was smoking and drinking is as much as I would get clients."
Branching out on her own after staying with her 'pimp' for just two months, Precious rented an apartment to continue her immoral activities.
"I was going out with only big men, oftentimes ministers,"she admitted. "I didn't just go out with any men at all. Our pictures were in all the big hotels. I would initiate them into our society."
Asked how she was able to 'initiate' men of such status, Precious explained that the witchdoctor or 'baba' had given her a dark substance to drop in their drinks.
Seeking even more seductive powers, the young lady returned to the same spiritualist. "I found myself naked after drinking from the shrine there," she vividly described."I saw this man putting his mouth on my private parts and blood was coming out."
Another cream was prepared, this time with her own blood, ground with the particles of a mirror and water from the shrine. In addition, a ring and chain with spiritual implications were presented to her.
"I would place it on my neck and wear a sexy, dark dress,"she said, explaining the function of the chain."It would be in the middle of my breasts. Immediately you set your eyes on me lustfully, you would follow me and get confused."
Living large, Precious soon had 16 'bodyguards' following her, drove the latest vehicles and donned the latest fashion. Her next target was pastors.
"The witchdoctor said I should sit in the front seat of the church, wearing a sexy dress," she narrated."Once the pastor sets his eyes on me, within fifteen minutes, he would call me out, pretend to give me a Bible quotation but actually give me his phone number… Whether he's married or not, he must sleep with me that same day."
The lives of all the men she encountered sexually were automatically destroyed. "That's how I brought down a very great pastor in my country," she added, acknowledging though that she was only able to entrap clerics who were not genuine in their Christianity.
Additionally, Precious explained that promiscuous pictures of hers were available all over the internet, also pushing men to sin. "I placed my pictures on Facebook. Whoever you are, as you are looking at my picture, you will begin to masturbate yourself," she stated.
Despite obtaining large amounts of money, Precious acknowledged that she 'didn't achieve anything' with her resources and her beauty was steadily fading away although she was just in her late 20s.
One day, a man dressed in white apparel met her on the street and requested for money. Reluctantly obliging, the man said God would bless her for her generosity and advised her to visit Prophet T.B. Joshua's popular church in Lagos, Nigeria.
"I saw the man in my dream that night repeating the instruction. That is what convinced me to come to The SCOAN for deliverance."
On the prayer line, Precious held up a bottle of whiskey and cried out that her life was a mess, adding that she was ready to forsake her old life of prostitution and substance abuse. "It's the devil," T.B. Joshua angrily declared before praying for her. Violently reacting to the prayer, she was delivered from the spirit tormenting her.
"I now vomit at even the scent of smoke," Precious testified, a week after her deliverance, stating that all urges to take alcohol, smoke and sleep with men had completely gone.
She tearfully advised young people not to be deceived by the lure of worldly treasures and pleasures, adding that she is actually happy for the first time in her life following her exorcism.
Tawia Acheampong wrote from Accra, Ghana
28th Inmates Escape As MUMU Prison Wardens Were Tricked With Sexy girls (photos)
"seduced" prison wardens, it was reported today.
Police found three wardens naked and handcuffed inside the Nova Mutum public jail, near Cuiaba, central Brazil, the morning after the mass break-out.Police later found a bag of lingerie and dominatrix police uniforms believed to have been worn by the temptresses.
Last night photos of one the naked wardens, believed to have been leaked by amused police officers who found him, had been shared thousands of times on social network sites.
The three women – one of them reportedly the girlfriend of one of the prisoners who escaped – arrived at the prison at 3am on Thursday morning and asked to be let inside to "chat and drink", police said.
The prison guards reportedly obliged and were soon persuaded to leave their posts, accompanying the girls to staff sleeping quarters.
The women reportedly drugged the prison guards by giving them spiked whisky after convincing them to take part in an orgy, according to investigators.
Inmates then left the prison through the main doors, even taking with them guns and munitions they had taken from prison caches.After drugging the wardens the women handcuffed them, took their keys and unlocked all the prison's cells, according to chief Angelina de Andrades Ferreira.
She told a news conference: "The plan was to seduce them. They served them cheap whisky with some substance to knock them out, then unlocked the central gate which accesses the internal cells.
"Whoever wanted to escape left by the front door.
"From the moment they drank the whisky the agents don't remember a thing. One was found dizzy, trying to wake up. Another slept for the whole afternoon and couldn't even be questioned."
The inmates took three 12 caliber rifles shotguns, two 38 caliber revolvers and munition, she said.
Ms Ferreira said the escape was planned by the boyfriend of one of the women, Bruno Amorim, 18, was was serving time for attempted murder, robbery and firearms possession.
She said: "Everything indicated that he planned and executed everything, with the help of his girlfriend."
She said the three prison officers had been arrested and will be charged with "facilitating a jailbreak" and "culpable embezzlement" because of the theft of firearms.
Last night eight of the 28 prisoners had been recaptured as police launched a massive operation to track down the fugitives.
One inmate was found wandering around the centre of Nova Mutum in a drunken state, holding one of the stolen rifles.
Another was caught after stealing a stealing a pick-up truck from a farm and crashing it, police said.
FLAWLESS!! Rita Dominic Stuns in New Photoshoot For KeyStone BANK (photos)
Nollywood diva, Rita Dominic recently shot a commercial for Keystone Bank and she was flawless
Love Or Madness?? See The Life Taking Risk These Women Took To Test Their BF love (photos)
Two women who were struggling over a man decided to take things further when they both planned to throw them selves into a river and see who the man would save first. The man found himself in a sticky situation when his current girlfriend and his ex both threw themselves into a river - to see which one he loved the most.
Wu Hsia, 21, had broken up with long-term girlfriend Jun Tang, 20, after meeting new love 22-year-old Rong Tsao.
But over the following three months, jilted Jun kept hassling him to get back with her and so she decided to arrange a meeting between the three of them.
when they gathered at a beauty spot in Ningbo, in eastern China's Zhejiang province, the situation went from bad to worse.
A police spokesman said: "The girls began arguing and the man's ex-girlfriend felt insulted by a comment made by the new girlfriend, and so she jumped into the river calling for her former lover to save her.
"The new girlfriend, fearing that he might indeed jump in to save his ex-lover, then jumped in as well and both of them began calling for him to rescue them from drowning."
Wu settled the matter by jumping in the water to save his current girlfriend, and then taking the soaking wet and slightly injured young woman to hospital.
The police spokesman added: "He called his brother on the way home and told him to go to the river and rescue the ex-girlfriend."
Wu's brother in turn called the fire brigade who arrived at the scene and helped Jun out of the water.
A rescue worker said: "She was taken to hospital but was released soon after without any major injuries."
The story has gone viral in China, where there is a chronic shortage of women due to the country's one child policy.
So I ask,
Baddest!! Manchester Utd Player Pereira Offers Teen £10k (N3M) For Threesome (Photo)
Manchester United star Andreas Pereira has been busted offering a teenager £10,000 for a threesome with him and another united player, Paddy McNair.
The Brazilian born United player allegedly begged pretty Kelly McKinney for the sordid threesome sex.
Kelly, 19, claims she and a friend shared drinks and jokes with Pereira and fellow player Paddy McNair but both made it clear there would be no sex.
According the Sun newspaper, after the night ended Kelly received a begging text from the midfielder asking for a steamy meet-up.
The young woman says Pereira, also 19, then offered her a whopping N3million if she would let his fellow United player McNair join in.
There is no suggestion McNair was involved or even aware of the messages.
Kelly said: "I nearly fell off my chair when he offered me £10,000 for a threesome. What kind of low-life does that? I'm not that kind of person at all and found it very, very insulting."
Revealing how she first met the footballer, Kelly said that he tracked her down through Twitter after she and a pal managed to get into the Manchester United Christmas party.
The teenager claims Pereira, who was born in Belgium but plays for Brazil's under-20's side, then asked her to start texting him and before long they were chatting on WhatsApp.
It was then the footballer allegedly asked the young woman if she wanted to do something next week with him and Paddy.
Kelly claims she then asked him what he meant, to which he allegedly responded: "Threesome. Will take care of u. U want? How much. Tell me. We were ready to pay 5each."
The teen woman claims she snubbed the offer but alleges that he again contacted her at the beginning of this month asking to hook up for sex.
According to The Sun, when she asked him if it would be just him, the player is alleged to have said there would be another friend and cash if she did well.
When quizzed about the allegations last night, Pereira's agent Leo Scheinkman is reported to have said: "He is young and single and can have sex with whoever he wants. What does he have to apologise for?"
WEirdo!! Guy Take Selfies Instead Of Looking For Medical Assistance After Been Shot (photos)
A young man named Isaac Martinez decided that the wisest and safest thing to do after getting shot was to take a selfie…..can u imagine?
The EVIT student appears to have snapped at least two selfies after the shooter, Ryan E. Giroux allegedly approached and shot him through the shoulder at a restaurant operated by the East Valley Institute of Technology in suburban Phoenix.
Martinez is doing fine in hospital and is currently recuperating from the injury but what do u think of what he did?
Na God save am say e no die shaa , maybe he already he was gon survive the hit
CONFIRM!! MMG Rapper Meek Mill Confirms New Collaboration with Davido [Screen Shots]
The American rap act, Meek Mill gave The hint a collabo with Nigerian pop star, Davido.
He tweeted 'Davido x meek mill coming soon too! #aye,' Meek dropped on his Twiiter account.
The Nikki Minaj's rumoured boyfriend threw the hint on his Twitter account on Thursday, March 19, 2015. In his tweet, Meek also announced that he and rap act, Wale, just stepped out of a rolls royce car spotting Olamide's popular gunman pose.
And in a quick succession, Wizkid took to his Instagram account to congratulate the two Nigerian musicians on the heads up given to them by the American act
OMG !!! Is 57yr Madonna Now Dating 21yr Justin Bieber?? (Cossy Photos)
Justin Bieber and pop diva Madonna made an appearance on the Ellen DeGeneres Show on March 18 and seemed to get a bit flirty.
During the show, Madonna said
"I'd gladly make Biebs the youngest man I ever 'been' with. It would be so blissful"
Well, after the show sources tell HollywoodLife that the offer seriously tempted Justin because he finds the legendry 57yr old attractive too. Justin made sure his people gave Madonna his number before he left with his crew.
A member of his crew anonymously said:
"He considers the potential of having sex with Madonna totally possible — and wants to have her on his list, he recalls Bieber admitting that a one night stand with the Material Girl is definitely something he would be down with".
Another insider also insisted that Justin's not looking to date Madonna, he just wants to have one wild night with her.
See Nick Cannon's New Boo (Photo)
The America's Got Talent" host Nick Cannon has moved on from estranged wife Mariah Carey with model Jessica White.
Cannon was spotted with White, a face of Maybelline who has appeared in Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit Issue, at a supermarket near his New Jersey home on Saturday after which they spent the rest of the weekend at Nick's house.
White — who's previously dated Sean Penn, Terrell Owens and music producer Dallas Austin — has been seeing Cannon for a few months
Cannon was spotted out last month with Nicole Murphy but it might have been nothing more than a fling. He has been hosting parties at clubs, and is managing voluptuous model Amber Rose.
THANK GOD!! Actress Oge Okoye Finds Love Again
Nollywood actress Oge Okoye has allegedly moved on to a new wealthy lover.
According to reports by Enquirer Magazine,
"The mother of two is in love again after her marriage to Holland big Boy Stanley Duru, which produced two kids packed up due to infidelity allegations from both parties.
"The beautiful actress seems to have gotten over her past as she's said to be in a serious relationship that might be altar bound. Her new man according to reports is a very tall and athletic built successful business man who hails from the Eastern part of country."
He is said to spoil her silly and sponsored her trip to the United States and also donated some money into her cosmetics business Crystal Glam Enquirer's source disclosed. It was revealed that Oge's new man is also a single father who is said to be separated from his baby mama and he shuttles between Nigeria and Europe.
Oge Okoye's ex-husband and father of her two children Stanley Duru is said to have moved on as well, marrying another Nollywood actress Nkiru Sylvanus. An allegation recently denied by Nkiru
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