Donald Trump against all odds is the legitimate 45thb president of the United States Of America and though the world at large is still in shock cause the whole world was literally against him following his racial speech in different states during the campaign and his agenda to deport all blacks and immigrants back to their country of origin sparked a lot of outrage, but here we are in the future of yesterday and he is president, so what next?
I have to admit it. I fully did NOT expect Donald Trump to become the 45th President of the United States of America. All of the odds were against him: He was underfunded compared to Hillary’s money machine; Nearly every media source was openly against him; Not one major celebrity came out to support him; He was labeled a racist and a misogynist; All leading figures of his own party abandoned him; Much of his policies were in direct opposition with the aims of the globalist elite; Robert De Niro said he wanted to punch him in the face