Saturday, March 26, 2016
See The Leaked Dubai Runs Transaction That has '' Dormant HiV'' Trending on Twitter
'' Ibinabo lied'' - Dr Giwa’s sister speaks extensively on how Ibinabo killed her brother
For the mother and siblings of Dr Suraj Giwa, who was killed on February 26, 2005, in an auto-crash caused by jailed actress, Ibinabo Fiberesima's reckless driving, it has been a hard, long road to getting a semblance of closure over his death.
Until that fateful day, Giwa was the Head of the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department at the General Hospital, Lagos. He was heading home from Ajah with two of his relations, when an SUV driven by the actress smashed into his vehicle across the median and killed him instantly.
Biola, his younger sister granted Punch an extensive interview where she said Ibinabo lied and that she is suffering today because of the way she conducted herself after the accident. Excerpts from the revealing cintinue below.
Q. Were you in Nigeria when your brother, Dr. Giwa died?
I have always lived in the US. I was home when the accident happened. I have been living in the US
for the past 33 years. We have forgiven Ibinabo. We have moved on with our lives. My mum is still alive. She cannot talk to anybody on this issue. It is going to be a fresh wound. Some people are saying we have not forgiven her. But that is not true. The Giwa family has moved on. It was an accident and accidents do happen. When people go out every day, I don't think anybody sets his or her mind to go out and kill somebody.
Q. So why is Ibinabo's own different?
It wouldn't have been like this. It was just the way she conducted herself after the accident. When the accident happened, she fled the scene of the accident. She doesn't have good advisers. The state government had to find out who the owner of the car she was driving was. That was when it was found out that the car belonged to Daniel Wilson.
Q. Didn't you know who Ibinabo was then?
My first time of hearing that name was the day of the accident. I had been in the US for over 20 years then and there was no way I would have known anything about her then. I had another brother who was also in the car when that accident happened. You can imagine two people of the same mother and father in that car. They didn't try to help them out, they all ran and left the scene of the accident.
Q. But some eyewitnesses said Ibinabo didn't flee but was rushed to the hospital…
If some other people were in the car with her, what about those people? How come they didn't try to help? Somebody should have stayed at that scene to say he or she was with Ibinabo. But nobody said anything. And how come the eyewitness is coming out now to talk? Where was he all these years? I read he said my brother was shouting, 'I am a doctor, don't hold me like that.' But that is a lie. Have they forgotten that there were other occupants in the car?
Q. Did you meet your brother alive when you got to the scene?
No. The other car was right on top of his car. The other occupants were able to crawl out.
Q. We learnt you said you would never forgive Ibinabo and you would make sure she was sent to jail…
Why would I want to say that? Is it not God that forgives? I don't even know her, so why would I say I wasn't going to forgive her? I didn't know who she was. We weren't even bothered about her. My mother had two kids in that car. My brother's wife came from England and we were having a prayer session. That was when I saw Ibinabo. Would I say anything like that during a prayer session? We were all crying. One of them went to my husband and somehow, it was arranged that they meet me. My other brother who was involved in the accident works in the US and he had to go back. He asked me to stay for a little while so that one of us would be with our mother. I had to stay.
Q. But did you at any point have a one on one discussion with her?
God is my witness, my husband was also there, she got out of the car and she came to me. The people she came with were just somewhere there, they didn't even come close. I asked her what she wanted and she said she had come to plead so that the charges would be dropped. I told her it wasn't between us and her but between the state government and her. But I told her I would rather give her an advice that would work for her. I told her if I were in her shoes, I would apologise publicly to the masses and also to the family. I advised her to throw herself to the mercy of the court. If she had done that, people would know she was remorseful and they would know she had indeed apologised. But she said she wasn't going to do that. She said it would damage her career.
Believe me, if not that so many eyes were on us, I would have kicked her for saying that. My husband was beside me when she said that. He even looked at me. I couldn't believe it. What? Dr. Giwa was the head of physical rehabilitation medicine in LASUTH. He was the only one that had that credential then in Lagos State. Dr. Giwa was valuable to the state. He had helped a lot of people out. We have forgiven her; my mother has moved on, Dr. Giwa's kids have moved on.
Q. Weren't you offered money as a form of compensation?
What money? We don't need her money! We are all good! Dr. Giwa wasn't the only breadwinner. Every one of us is doing very well.
Q. But we learnt you threatened to kill her…
I learnt they said I said I would go and kill her. But why would I do that? I hadn't ever heard of her name before then. I had never seen her before. If I had wanted to kill her, I would have killed a lot of people since I didn't know the identity of the person I wanted to kill. I wasn't going to do anything to her.
Q. Was it that what you needed from Ibinabo was public apology because we learnt she kept apologising to the family and nobody wanted to listen to her…
Did she apologise publicly? I just wanted her to apologise publicly so that people would know she was remorseful. But I don't think it was a wrong advice I gave her. She couldn't apologise publicly back then but now, she wants Nigerians to pray for her. But I say it again; it is not me versus Ibinabo. It is not Giwa's family versus Ibinabo. I am married and I am still with my husband with three wonderful children. My kids are all grown. What do I need from her? We are not in the same age group. I am older than her for God's sake. I am in my 50s and I am the youngest of my mother's kids. I am even good because if you talk to my other sisters, they would be ranting. She couldn't apologise publicly because she put her career ahead of her.
Q. But Ibinabo reportedly said she had been visiting your family in Nigeria here but she was warned not to come close again…
But that is a lie! How could she say that? My mother is in Lagos. Ibinabo has never visited my mother! My mother does not even remember her name. She doesn't know if Ibinabo is white or black. Why would we warn her from visiting my mother? I read that story in the papers and I had to ask myself what is wrong with her. If she truly said that, then she lied. She doesn't have good advisers, I must tell you that again.
Q. Some people said you are jealous of her…
How can I be jealous of Ibinabo? I am married and I have three wonderful kids with the same man. I am very successful. I am an accountant. It can be annoying when you hear some things. We had the memorial service for my brother some weeks ago…
Q. Was it before the judgement?
Oh yes! The case had dragged on for so long. The magistrate court had found Ibinabo guilty. The DPP department took over the case; we weren't the ones that took her to court. It has never been us. They found her guilty and sentenced her to prison for five years with an option of N100, 000 fine. So who wouldn't look for N100, 000 to pay? Are you saying the life of the doctor was worth just N100, 000? The state went to high court and the high court found her guilty and said the N100, 000 should be returned to Ibinabo. The court said there shouldn't have been an option of fine. Ibinabo went to appeal. It is all about her ego. The appeal court dragged on so long. Believe me, I never knew the case was still on.
Q. Are you saying you people weren't following the case all along?
No. People just told me about this judgement last Friday. Some people called me from Nigeria and I was even amazed that the case was still on. I have already moved on with my life. I do come to Nigeria and I spend some time but it has never been because of this case.
Q. What if she eventually apologises publicly?
I keep saying this; it is not between us and her. I don't have anything to say on this case. It doesn't matter to me now if she does or not. If she does it now and the government decides she has been remorseful and pardons her, so be it. I don't know who the judge is, I don't know if he is a man or woman. I don't even know who is handling the case. If she apologises now, it wouldn't have anything to do with me. It is a broken wound. I only gave her advice then and she didn't take it. I can't even recognise most of these actors and actresses in Nigeria. I hardly watch Nigerian movies; I don't have the time because I am very busy.
Q. We learnt you were excited about the judgement…
No. I wasn't when I heard it. I was not excited and I was not sorrowful either. I just said we needed to thank the justice system because the case was delayed for so long. If we don't thank them, they will not put people to order, they would think they could do anything and get away with it. Accidents happen and that is why it is called accident. But your attitude towards it is what matters most. Some people have accidents less than this and you would see how remorseful they would be.
Q. But couldn't the Giwa's family have asked the state to drop the case?
No. It is not done that way. It is not done like that in the US where we live. I wouldn't know if it is done like that in Nigeria. You don't even tamper with the judicial system. If you are taken to court, then you are taken to court. Justice is in the hand of God.
Q. How did your mother take his death?
It wasn't easy. She didn't have High Blood Pressure before but she developed it after that incident. We had to rally around her. But she also believed God has given and God has taken. She was able to manage and we helped her.
Q. Don't you think Ibinabo has suffered enough? She was in jail at some point…
She was in jail for about three weeks and she was bailed out. Nobody is above the law. I always behave myself. I always pray to God that I don't get involved in any kind of accident. I always beg God not to take me through accident. I don't want to hit anybody and I don't want anybody to hit me. I can't go to the government and ask them to drop the case.
Q. Are you still in touch with the doctor's family?
Of course, they are my family. One just came here. We communicate all the time. We travel to the UK to see them too.
Are You Raising Leaders For Tomorrow??
I start with the premise that the function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers.
Ralph Nader. Sam Walton states that outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it's amazing what they can accomplish.
Who can be a leader? What does it takes to be a leader? Warren Bennis argues that the most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born-that there is a genetic factor to leadership, but the opposite is true. He believes that Leaders are made rather than born.
What kind of leader do you wish to become? According to Rosalynn Carter, she states that a leader takes people where they want to go but a great leader takes people where they don't necessarily want to go. Jack welch notes that before you think of being a leader, success is all about growing yourself but when you become a leader, success becomes about growing others.
Success without a successor equals failure. Even the bible says that 'when there is no Vision, the people Perish' (Proverbs 29:18). Just so you know, a successor necessarily doesn't have to be your kids. A successor can be your friend, a partner, a spouse, a start-up organisation; it can be anyone from anywhere.
The best gift a leader can give is the gift of MENTORING. It is important to nurture someone who would take after you. Jesus mentored his disciples and followers; he told peter, you will build my church and continue in my absence.
Jesus knew the importance of mentoring, which is why it is advisable to have someone who would take after you and continue your story once you are gone.
I leave you with this food for thought; when you become successful and fail to have a successor to carry on after you, what happens in your absence? What will be your legacy?
Written by Pamela Okonne.
Blog Reader Exposes Lady Who Sexually Harasses Men at Burial Ceremonies (Photos)
Hello Enekem
I was at a burial ceremony and a dance troop was performing. It was all fun until one of the female dancer began to get sexually explicit. She was wearing only pant and bra. She would pick a man out and engage him in a bizarre type of sexual grinding that can make a man cum on his boxers. I was terrified. The young man was enjoying himself but had to run away at some point when the lady became more aggressive and was literally tugging his man hood. It is indeed a very strange dance. The lady picked the next victim and continued from where she stopped.
Guys, Is this lady dancing or sexual harassing people
Man Transforms Into Dog In TB Joshua's Church
A video uploaded on TB Joshua's official YouTube shows a Liberian man identified as Alexander Johnson transforming into a 'dog' during a deliverance session at the TB Joshua's church in Lagos.
At a point in the video, the man acting in a very bizarre man began to eat his shoe.
According to the video's description which reads;
If you don't believe demonic possession is real, this video will likely change your mind and shock you to the very core! What on earth could make a young man slither on the floor, growl exactly like a dog and even eat his own shoe in the view of onlookers in the thousands?!? Yes, it's wild; yes, it's weird - but IT'S REAL
During a time of prayer at The SCOAN, the demon within this young Liberian man is shockingly exposed, the entirety of his features contorting to the resemblance, movement and eerie sounds of a wild dog.
This may sound and look crazy to the initial onlooker - but at The SCOAN with T.B. Joshua, it is a normal occurrence as week-in, week-out, satan and his horde of malevolent agents are disgraced by the power of the Holy Spirit.
The man narrated that his problems started after he was sexually molested by a mad woman at the age of six. Since then his life has been characterized by frustration and serious lust for women.
New Music : DJ Instinct Ft Ola Dips and Small Doctor - Omo Better
This is a brand new one,
EDGE Official Disc Jockey "DJ Instinct" Is Here With Brand New Tune Titled "Omo Better" Featuring His Label Mate "Ola Dips" and The Street King "Small Doctor"
Download and Enjoy
When Black Knuckles Decides To Steal Your Selfie Shine
Hehe ladies thats tone their skin should take time in focusing on their Knuckles so they dont look funny in public, this is very yuck
Touching Story Of a Lebanese Man Raped and Impregnated His Maid then Sacked Her
17-year-old Roda Timothy, was full of expectations when she left her home state in Plateau for Lagos, last year. She had hoped to secure employment, earn a decent living and be in a position to help her family back home.
However, her lofty dreams were shattered barely few days after she was employed as a maid. She was allegedly raped and impregnated by her Lebanese boss who later kicked her out of his house when all his efforts to abort the pregnancy failed.
Her boss popularly called Hussein, works as a professional chef for highbrow companies in Lagos
and resides on Allen Avenue, Ikeja agreed to pay Roda N10, 000 monthly. Two months after impregnating her, Hussein sacked her after paying her a paltry sum of N19,000 for the two months she worked for him.
Roda who pleaded passionately that her photograph should not be taken then narrated how it all happened:
"I started working with the man as a maid immediately I came to Lagos. He agreed to pay me N10,000 monthly as my salary. When I packed into the house, my boss was not around but he came back two days later from his work place.
How I was raped
"On this particular day, my boss was about to leave the house when his brother asked me to go and meet him and collect some money to purchase food items for the house. I knocked on his door, he answered and asked me to come inside. When I entered, I told him that his brother asked me to collect money to purchase food items. He said okay and got up from where he was sitting, and pretended as if he wanted to get the money before he grabbed me forcefully. I struggled with him and was shouting but he over powered me and raped me.
Second round of rape
"The following month when I discovered that I had missed my monthly circle, I informed him about it but instead of finding solution to it, he raped me a second time. I then kept disturbing him about the growing pregnancy. What he did was to send me to a nearby chemist with a prescription but the attendant refused to attend to me without his presence. He later went with me and bought some drugs which he asked me to take to abort the pregnancy. I took the drugs but nothing happened. After some days, he bought another set of drugs which I took, yet, nothing happened.
I then became very worried and was disturbing him to find a solution to the problem he caused. That was when he started threatening me and later sacked me after paying me N19,000.
I was so afraid that when I went back to my brother who brought me to Lagos, I didn't tell him that I was pregnant for my boss. I was just praying that the pregnancy will just disappear but it did not. Unknown to my brother that I was pregnant, he got me another job where I worked for four months as a maid before my new employer discovered that I was pregnant and told my brother."
Her brother speaks
"Roda's brother, Joshua also narrated his story to Crime Guard. According to him:
"It was January this year that we discovered she was pregnant. Her stomach was still flat and we had to take her for scan. It was then she revealed that her former boss,Hussein, was responsible for her pregnancy. So, we went to Hussein's house to confront him but he denied being responsible for the pregnancy. We therefore reported the case to the Immigration Department in Ikeja and on February 9, 2016, he was arrested but was later released.
"From immigration department, my sister was taken to the National Agency For The Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons, NAPTIP. Initially, officials of NAPTIP said she would be with them until she delivers but last week, officials of the agency came and asked me to come and take my sister back as she will soon deliver. The pressure and threats from NAPTIP became too much to the extent that I don't know whether they are protecting the interest of my sister who was abused by a foreigner or that of the foreigner".
Joshua lamented the atrocities perpetrated by some expatriates resident in Nigeria, saying " these atrocities continue unabated because the government and relevant authorities ignore the plight of helpless victims who are at their mercy,"he stated.
When Crime Guard visited the residence of the Lebanese, Mr Hussein in Ikeja, he was not around but a lady in the house promised to inform him about our visit and get back to us.
Promise by Hussein's nephew
The next morning, one Mr Hassan called claiming to be the nephew of Mr Hussein Ali. He said his sister informed him of our visit to his residence the previous day. According to him, whatever happened between his Hussein and Roda was a mistake and that they were doing everything within to resolve the issue while Hussein has agreed to take care of Roda until she gives birth. He however added that a DNA will be carried out to determine the paternity of the baby but the family will not refuse to take responsibility. "We are doing everything to ensure she delivers safely," he added.
NAPTIP remains elusive
Crime Guard reports that when they visited Ikeja Zonal office of the National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP), the Director was said to have traveled out of Lagos on official duty.
A lady who claims to be the Public Relations Officer of the Agency informed Crime Guard that the Zonal director was the only authorized officer who can speak with the press on the issue. She then collected phone contacts and promised to arrange a meeting with the director once he gets back. But she didn't get back till date. Further efforts made to contact her proved abortive.
Money Everywhere!! See Photos From KWAM 1's Exclusive Birthday Party In Quilox
Fuji musician, King Wasiu Ayinde Marshall 1 had an exclusive birthday party last Thursday night at Quilox club owned by Shina Peller.
Check out the money rain that happened at the event, courtesy, Kcee's younger brother E-money. Tuface and wife, Annie Idibia were also in attendance.
'' I Used to Peel and Sell Oranges'' ChiChi Igho Shares Grass to grace story
The Ex Super Falcon player has revealed that before all the fame, she used to peel and sell oranges by the roadside.
She posted a picture of some kids peeling and selling oranges and captioned it
I remember them days I peeled and sold oranges on the side road growing up. #mystorywillinspiretheworld #strollingdownmemorylane #weallhaveastory #myyesterdaybroughtmetomytoday #notwhereiwannabebutimfarfromwhereiusetobe
She recently released her single 'eziokwu' which talks about her life, struggles and success.
NEW MUSIC: Saint (@Saint_ntb) - Koko
This tune is banging ,Guys check out this KoKo jam by Saint Atunnise Olaoluwa aka Saint is a songwriter/singer claims whose aim is to deliv...

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