Tuesday, November 17, 2015

7 Obvious Signs You And Your Partner Are Meant For Each Other

Finding a soul mate is one of the most difficult things you can ever achieve bit it is very possible, if you look for the right things.

Is there a certain factor that makes a relationship last?
We know some couples stay together for some months, years then break up when things turn sour. Others stay together, make it through marriage till death keeps them apart. How can you tell if you and your partner are meant to be together?
Inspired by All Women Stalk, here are a few signs that your relationship is meant to last:-
1. No pretence: You both are real with each other. No pretences involved.
2. You both can almost read each other's minds. You know when your support is needed and give it before your partner asks.
3. You both respect your need for space. You both understand there's always a time for everything including a 'me' time.
4. Feels like something is missing when you're not together and miss each other terribly.
5. You are not afraid to straighten touchy issues with your partner. You both speak your minds when something goes wrong and know how to fight fair with each other.
6. You still flirt with your partner like you both just met.
7. You both are genuinely cool with each others friends. You don't mind your partner hanging out with their friends while you have fun with yours.

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