Hello Enekem, My request is a peculiar one. After 7 years of marriage with no issues, My husband was finally diagnosed with atherosclerosis and it means he cannot get me pregnant. We are based in Sweden and we would like to scout for a sperm donor from Nigeria as artificial insemination is the only remedy for us at this point.
The donor has to be dark skinned, STD free, AA genotype, Above 5ft 9inch, Above 20 but not over 32. He should be Igbo and should not have any hereditary issues like asthma, diabetes, bunion, allergies etc. The interested person should please send an E-mail with pictures and stats to enekem.Com
N:B- The semen analysis, physical examination of donor and extraction will be done in Nigeria and the identity of both donor and receiver would remain anonymous. No sex is required. the donor would receive USD10,000 immediately the procedure is complete.
Unless you are using a known donor such as your husband's relative or close friend, I would advice you to procure your specimen from Fairfax Cryobank in the USA. Anonymity is truly assured and you could even match the donor's physical appearance to your husband's features. You may also select someone based on their IQ test results or request a donor with a certain professional background i.e.Dr, Engr etc if such things are important to you.
ReplyDeleteAn apple does not fall too far from the tree hence it would be best for you to ensure the Donor's bio you is accurate. Nigerians lie a lot especially when money is involved.
It would cost you less than $1,000 at the most to procure specimen from Fairfax. The average cost of usually $400 but a bespoke specimen would cost more.
Good Luck in your quest. Make sure you use Gonal-F during your induction cycle and not Clomid. You could end up with triplets...AMEN (3 for the price of 1)
I am interested but am yoruba,