Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Don't Give Up, Success Is Expensive and You Have to Earn It

A lot of people these days don't attain success because they spend a lot of time worrying about the temporal  problems and difficulties that they face during their quest.

Well let me tell you one thing today,  doing it big in anything was never easy and that law still remains,  look at all the successful people you know in any domain of achievement you will realize that they sacrificed a lot of things to be able to hit that jackpot, yes times have changed there are new ways of doing things but that doesn't change the number one cosmic law of action and reaction,  you have to earn everything either directly or remotely,  so the question now is are you willing to pay the price?

Michael Jackson dedicated his life to music right from his childhood and he did not cease to engage himself in musical activities that will contribute to his personal development on the long run, Michael spent nights listening and singing songs of his music idols, watching how they do it a d emulating their methods, (never cease to learn from the best in your field) we are witnesses of his massive success in the musical industry even today.

Muhammad Ali aka the Champ is one of the greatest boxers ever,  though he was known for bluffing a lot and making a lot of authoritative talks and jokes during media appearances,  he did not stop there,  he still jogged long Miles every morning,  he still trained at least 5 times  daily ,  why did he do all these? He knew the simple fact that there is a price to be paid for success and it is not all about faith, confidence or optimism.

So my brothers and sisters, I don't know what might be making you feel down,  maybe your job, relationship, career, business, or maybe things are not going the way you expect them to be. Don't give up, see these difficulties as temporary, sacrifice sleep and comfort to look for solution,  if you are religious fast and pray, if you feel ignorant buy books and humbly seek for guides and I promise you,  you will excel at the end because there is always fruit for labor, leave your comfort zone and pay the price for something more everlasting.

After thought : a lot of success don't last because people take short cuts to make it,  don't cut angles,  it makes you miss all the fun and experience that will keep you pinned at the top.

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