Sunday, October 18, 2015

Warn Your Pastor!!! By Pastor Moses Alu(must read)

Our Apostle Paul has laid a curse on any
minister who preaches any other gospel
contrary to what t
he Apostles have
preached (Gal. 1:6-9 ).
Many preachers have gone out of the Bible
and are preaching all manners of heresies.
Nevertheless it is written, preach the word,
be instant in season, out of season, for the
time has come when church goers are not
enduring sound doctrine but after their own
lusts are heaping to themselves teachers
with itching ears and are turning away
their ears from the truth unto fables ( 2 Tim.
4:1-5 ).
God desires gallant Ministers who will stand
for the Truth even if it will cost them their
financial support, popularity and friends.

He should stop making merchandise of you
( 2 Pet. 2: 1-3 ).
The gifts of the spirits are freely given and
Pastors are to minister freely to God's
people. The gifts are not for making money
( Matt. 10:1&8 ).
It is contrary to the scripture to trade with
the gifts.

It is an insult to the Christian faith for any
church to encourage their sisters to
participate in fashion parades or beauty
contest. (Deut. 23:17-18; Num. 25:1-5 ).
These are worldly activities that have no
spiritual significance.

It is wrong to collect Tithes, Offerings and
Vows from members of the congregation
who are involved in shady deals e.g.
Fraudsters, Prostitutes, Ritualists, Corrupt
Money Bags, Bribe Takers etc. If the Pastor
is sincere, let him tell this to the people
during every offering. It is an abomination
( Deut. 23:18 ).
By the number of offerings taken during
each fellowship you know the purpose of
setting up that Church.

It is wrong, warn him to stop lying that God
told him that a certain number of people
should bring a specific amount of money for
a particular project in the church, when
God did not say so. Such a Pastor is under
very serious judgement. 2 Cor. 9:7, Deut 16:
16-17 tell us that offerings should be made
willingly and as able.
The practice of stating the minimum
amount and even waving your offerings so
that people will see how much you are
offering are all unscriptural. Offerings are
done in secret (Matt. 6:1-4 ).
Even in the building of the temple, the
people gave willingly and not by task (1
Chron. 29:6-9 ).
Ministers must follow the admonishment of
Paul for the need to maintain their integrity
before God and the congregation (1 Thes. 2:
4-5, Acts 20:33-35 ).

She is carrying out a responsibility that is
not hers. She is not in the will of God no
matter the anointing. God has placed every
believer in a specific position to serve Him.
Apostle Paul thus set the Church in order
and thereby forbids woman leadership in
the Church. He even gave the reason in 1
Tim. 2:11-14 and told them concerning any
matter being settled in the church, women
are to keep silent and find out from their
husbands only at home. ( 1Cor. 14:34-38 ). This
was not written only to the Corinthians as
some renegade Pastors teach. Paul said it
was to all Christians in all Churches till
Jesus returns. ( 1Cor. 1:1-2 ).
The positions of authority in the Church are
Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Teachers
and Pastors as in Eph. 4:11-16 .
Deacons are Church Wardens whose
qualifications are given in 1 Tim. 3:8-13 . None
of these offices belong to the woman.
The Revised Standard Version (RSV) in Rom.
16:1 referred to Phoebe as a deaconess. This
is an unscriptural term injected into the
scriptures in 1950 by Satan through
unrevelational translators. In the KJV she is
called Servant of the church and her duty
was to carry Paul's epistles from one local
church to the other. The Bible says that the
deacon should be the husband of one wife.
Nowhere does it say that deaconess should
be the wife of one husband. (1 Tim. 3:12 )
When God has set a standard, let no man
revise it.
No woman liberation movement in the
church. The woman lost the equality
position-wise since the fall in the Garden of
Eden (Genesis 3:16 ). Do not misconstrue
Paul's meaning in ( Gal. 3:28 ). Yes, we are all
one in Christ Jesus being all redeemed by
the same Blood. But when it comes to
leadership offices as servants of God, to
take care of the Sheep and the Pulpit, Paul
says woman should keep silent and not
usurp authority over the man. The woman
should not give instructions to the man
either at home or in the Church. The Bible
has no room for woman Evangelist, Deaconess,
Ushers and woman Pastor including the Pastor's
wife if she is one .

Remind him that Heb. 13:4 is still effective
today. It is wrong to wed any couple that
have defiled themselves before the wedding
date, by sleeping with each other or where
the woman is already pregnant before the
wedding date. They have sinned and must
be told to repent and not celebrate their sin.
God is against all ungodly fashion trends in
the pentecostal churches and their new
generation Pastors who permit micro-mini ,
back dresses , tights, shaba , see-through , low-neck
and show blouses , form-fitting dresses , body hugs ,
hot pants , etc. Women who wear such
commit adultery each time a man lust after
them. ( Matt. 5:28 ). Christian couples have no
right to even kiss each other until they are
pronounced husband and wife by the
Pastor. It is abomination. A Church that
stands for holiness will not encourage that.
Tell your Pastor to stop kissing other men's
wives and single sisters while claiming. 1
Thess. 1:5:26 to justify his action.

Ask him where he got these titles from: Rev
(Dr.) Mrs . , Rt. Rev. , Most Senior Apostle , Arch
Bishop , His Eminence , His Holiness ,
Commander, Pope , etc, Who made him God's
General? The Apostle who brought us the
gospel told us they are our example. What
title did they bear? Jesus himself warned us
of this Spirit. Please read Matt. 23:1-2 , and if
you are sincere you will not take any title
that is unscriptural.
Drop them now and humble yourself. Jesus
Christ, your master was so common even
among the twelve Apostles that they needed
a Judas to identify Him to the enemy.
Pastor, remove that special seat you kept
and decorated for yourself and your wife in
the Church. Remove that special robe that
distinguished you and your wife from the
members of the Church. As we see today so-
called pentecostal bishops wear crosses
hanging in front of them like their catholic
masters. That was not known with the Lord
Jesus and His Apostles. The Pastor is now
too big to even carry his own Bible. He has
employed someone to carry it for him when
he goes to the pulpit. By this he simply tells
the congregation that he is bigger than the
Bible or it is too heavy for him to carry.
That is pride, God hates it (Pro. 6: 16-19 ).
NOTE : That today before you can be
crowned a pentecostal bishop, you must
have built a big auditorium and have paid a
deposit of at least NGN 2.5m Naira to their
organization. In the Bible, a bishop is a
mere preacher or an elder. Every member
of the five fold ministry (Eph. 4:11 ) is a
bishop or an overseer. There can be more
than one bishop in one local church
( Philippines 1:1-2 ). This is the apostolic
practice. To put one bishop over many
congregation as they do today is anti-Christ;
a carry-over from the Roman catholic
church which the Bible called the mother of
harlots ( Rev. 17:5 ).

It is no longer the church of Jesus Christ
when he sets up the church as his business
empire i.e. the husband is the general
overseer (chairman), his wife assistant
overseer (managing director), while the
children or relations are in charge of their
financial collection (business proceed). Acts
6:1-6 tells us the ministers should have no
business with welfare and finances of the
Deacons are to be elected by the church to
take care of that. Your Pastor has no
business being the signatory to the church
account; though he oversees and
coordinates the activities of the entire
church. What was the position of Peter's
wife in the Apostolic church? But we all see
how church leaders are cleverly grooming
their wives to take over the "business
empires" when they die. The true church of
Jesus Christ does not run as a family

To stop teaching people how to speak in
tongues. Nobody taught disciples how to
speak in tongues on the day of Pentecost
( Act 2:4 ) nor did Peter teach Cornelius and
his household how to speak in tongues as
the Holy Spirit gave them utterance not as
the Pastor taught them. Speaking in tongues
is only one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit (1
Cor. 12:1-11 ).
Also, 1 Cor. 12:27-31 tells us that all cannot
speak in tongues. 1 Cor. 14:23 tells us that if a
stranger enters the church and hear
everybody speaking in tongues he would
think the people are mad. The church order
for operating the gifts is clearly given in 1
Cor. 14:1-33 .
If there is no interpretation then speak it to
yourself in your closet, not in the church. (1
Cor. 14:10 ) warns against just speaking of
what you don't know because you may be
cursing God without knowing. Don't you
know that demons also speak in tongues
and even prophesy? Be sure your gift is not
the one your Pastor gave you but the one
you received supernaturally by the Holy
Spirit. And every true gift will line up with
Bible irrespective of what the church

A church with a headquarters, with
branches all over, having appointed and
paid ministers to watch over these
branches, sending tithes and offering to the
headquarters is not scriptural. All local
assemblies are sovereign and responsible to
the leadership of the Holy Ghost alone and
not receiving instructions from any
headquarters on what to preach etc.
The church must be run the apostolic way.
When through evangelism a local church
comes up and an able minister prayerfully
selected is ordained to oversee that
assembly, he is not to be taking instructions
from any headquarters but only liaised with
other ministers as the need may arise. He is
independent. Pastor Tunde Bakare of Latter
Rain Assembly caught this revelation and
granted independence to the branches
recently. Every true Pastor must also do the
same. There is no denomination in the

Dear Reader: Note the following Prophecies:
1 Tim. 4:1-2 , 2 Tim. 3:1-9 , 2 Tim. 4:1-4 , 2 Pt. 2:
1-3 , Jude 3-23 , Tit. 1:10-16 , 2 Cor. 11:1-15 , Rom.
16:17-19 . (Please read these scriptures
They all speak of the conditions of the
church at the end time. You and I know
they are fulfilled now. People have departed
from the faith. The grace of God has come
down with a message of RESTORATION of
the church back to the apostolic doctrine
and faith. Isaiah 48:20 ; 52:11 ; 2 Cor. 6:14-18
and Rev. 18:1-4 are crying out to true
believers to come out of the erroneous
assemblies and faiths and return to the
word. This is our sincere attempt to draw
your attention to some of the abominations
that have crept into the church, as was the
case in Israel ( Is. 28:8-10 ). These self-called
Pastors are fulfilling prophecies; therefore
do not fear to change your Pastor or
denomination, if necessary. You are to run
for your life.
And damn the consequences in standing for
the truth. God started the church with
what heresies have done to the christian
faith; God is ending the programme with the

He planted a pure word-based church at
pentecost as seen In the New Testament. If
that church brings out a branch, it must
look, believe and teach the same. We are
that branch and the harvest is near. Be
restored to the Bible truth of the hour. For
more information on the subject of
restoration and free sermon books preached
by the man God has used to spear head this

send your feedback and
comments to us via this blog.

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