This great article is coming from one of the women I listen to and respect a lot so enjoy and learn something.
Please Brace yourself because you are about to
read some scary home truth.......Brace
yourself,tie your legs,fold your arms and step
into this post with a functioning medulla
Marriage is an institution ordained by GOD for
man and woman to become husband and wife..
Many marriages are built on false
foundations,but when the troubles begin they
come out to paint this institution evil and scary
for those who intend to go into it..
You can't enjoy your Marriage when you have not
broken soul-ties,ancestral bondages or curses,or
spirit husband and wife(succubi and incubi) Let
me go deeply into these;(only spiritually)
1)some of your have this bondage where by in
your lineage no matter who you are married
too,you can never experience peace,they tell you
that your great grand parents always gave an idol
if you want to enjoy your marriage,unless there
is a constructive deliverance carried out to break
from these vows and curses,you cannot
experience peace.
2)spiritual husband and spirit wife..
You go about keeping multiple men or women
and having different soul-ties with your intended
partners and most of you don't understand that
sexual intercourse goes beyond physical
enjoyment but brings about a spiritual bond.that
it is why God ordained it and made it sacred ,
(when having sex,spirits are exchanged and it
brings a stronger bond,if your partner possesses
a spirit husband or wife,a spirit is transferred to
you,consciously or unconsciously) and these
beings get extremely jealous and bring
dismay,hatred,irritable attitudes with such
couples and you read chronicles where by a wife
or a husband tell his/her partner he/she enjoys
the pains or unhappiness inflicted in on their
This goes out especially to the men out
there,not every lady you see in skirt is a
human,most of them are horse,antelope and all
sort of being you think of,when you commit
adultery with these kind of women,what do you
expect?good home,successful businesses,inner
NO!.... you can never get such as long as you
have your seed deposited on evil altars,then you
bring strange troubles to your innocent
wives,who have been praying,cooking,tending for
you kids..
By now most of us should know that the spirit
world is at war with the humans (wouldn't want
to elaborate much on that) please if you love
your wife and intend to keep a peaceful
home,although marriage has it's ups and down
but with togetherness and steadfastness you can
enjoy the blessed attributes GOD has designed
for marriages.
4)Prayers ;if we channel the energy we use in
snooping on our spouses and trying to get
numbers of the people involved into prayers,trust
me you have a better home,every home built on
the foundation of Christ and of prayers goes a
along way in battling the powers against these
unseen forces who have decided to fight the
blessings accompanied with marriage.
5)surrender your all and all to Jesus christ,seek
counselling from a real man of GOD and I pray to
all those suffering one affliction or the other in
your Marriages,that you experience
peace,testimonies,happiness and all the good
tidings of marriage as ordained by GOD..AMEN