In Psalm 9:17, the Bible says "the wicked shall be turned to hell and all nations that forget God" and in the day of His wrath the scripture really emphasized that even strong men shall cry bitterly because of the punishment and suffering that shall come on them. (Zeph. 1:14-18).
In those days, people shall weep and gnash their teeth; they shall look for death and be willing to die but it shall not come. You remember the days of Noah, God wiped out humanity. God regreted that He had created man because of the wickedness of man. (Genesis 6). God wiped out completely the whole world and spared only 8 people. If He could do that before, He can do it again.(Heb 13:8), but because of Grace(Jesus) that came into the world,(John 1:16-17) man has been spared for sometime to repent, it is not the desire of God that anyone should perish but to come to absolute repentance.(2 Peter 3:9-12). God is the God of LOVE. But Nobody can withstand God's wrath, God's anger. This is the explanation of Rev. 15:7. God is the God of mercy, God of Love aswell as The God of righteous judgement and God is also the CONSUMING FIRE(Heb 12:29)
GOD will punish sinners if they refuse to repent. He will cast into hell fire those who ignore the truth and forsake righteousness. (Rev 20:15). He will no longer appear merciful but fearful and dreadful because He had spoken to them to repent, gave them enough time but they wouldn't.
Dear reader, it is wise for you to do all you can to escape from the wrath of the Almighty that is to come upon sinners. He will punish men and deal with them brutally for commiting sin: fornication, drunkenness, adultery, hooliganism, thuggery, stealing, covetousness, bribery, kidnapping, fraud, prostitution, lying, gossiping,immorality, etc.
If you belong to any of this group, such that are not even mentioned be sure that you cannot escape this wrath of God if you do not repent!
But all the same. God is a righteous judge. He will not punish anybody unjustly, without giving warnings or a way of escape. That was why He sent Jesus the Saviour as the way of escape. "He that believes on JESUS has everlasting life,(John 3:16) but he that doesn't believe on the son shall not see life but the wrath of God abides in him."(John 3:18-20). Jesus is knocking on the door of your heart today. (Rev 3:20), why not open to Him now. Do not delay! The wages of sin is death (Rom 6:23). How then shall you escape this wrath if you neglect this great salvation offered by Jesus? (Heb 2:1-3).
Dear friend, heaven and hell is real. Do not harden your heart today as you hear the message of salvation once again right now (Heb 3:7-8). Accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour today. Confess your sins, he will forgive you (1John 1:8-9). But you must repent before you confess! It is only when you have repented you can then be forgiven, if not your prayer of forgiveness will be in vain, why? Because you have not made that decision to stop sinning and follow the way of Christ. Salvation is not making a new year's resolution, what about the ones you made at the beginning of the year, how many have you been able to keep? You want to make new ones? That is not salvation. Come to Jesus today and be saved. i believe within me, that today you will not harden your heart. Jesus said "Repent, i tell you now; but except you repent, you will likewise perish" (Luke 13:5). Repent and confess your sins now, ask the Lord to forgive you and make that decision now never to return to them again. Ask the blood of Jesus to wash you clean now, that blood that was shed for everyone on the cross of calvary. Then ask the Holy Spirit to take over your life (John 7:37-39). Then you will be free! Free from the wrath to come. Hell is real, i know you wouldn't want to go there, make that decision
now! Don't wait for tomorrow. Death doesn't give any notice before he visits anyone. Remember, after death there is no more repentance for anyone(Heb 9:27).
Now that you still have the chance which many have lost, why not make the best use of it now. Some moments from now may be too late!
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