Tuesday, June 30, 2015

(Must Read) The Racism In BET Award #BETaward #BET #EnekemDotCom

So the just concluded BET awards was really trending throughout the weekend and some African artists went on social media screaming their anger and venting about how they were insulted and shunned. Word has it that the awards were usually presented to the winners from the Africa category backstage or given 6hours before the show starts. Well i am simply shocked on how racism or xenophobic tendencies is slowly creeping into our consciousness. Aaron McGruder, creator of the Boondocks animation in one,

but episode showed us the shenanigans of The Black Entertainment television and with recent happenings it showed he was truly a prophet. What beats me is how the black people always scream and shout about how the white people treat us like scum but we forget that we turn on each other and give members of the Caucasian race enough ammunition to treat us like crap.
Booker T.Washington presented an idealogy of the black man rising up above the slavery mentality and emancipating themselves through education and self worth and that same train of thoughts made him a founder of Tuskegee University one of the top black Universities in the world.

His fellow blackman Web Dubois was of the opinion that this same ''rights'' had to be taken by force.There is this growing trend of black youths leaning towards being either a rapper, or a basketballer , or a gangster when they grow up.Yes i cannot ignore many of them who have carved a niche for themselves in their various professions of repute, but its high time we stopped turning against ourselves as black people. Lets stop the blame game, rather we work on ourselves.BET in that one action showed racism of the highest kind. What does Nicki Minaj have over Sarkodie? praytell, she won so many times she got confused even when called out to get the award.... it was funny. Her diatribe didn't hold water because it was apparent it was a sham. Artists like FuseODG got a whole new respect from me for shunning the award totally.I know at some point of reading this epistle you may ask yourself how this concerns you, or have i eaten today? lol , well i want to say it has a ripple effect because we are affected. You never know when you may become a victim or be filling the shoes of an ignorant xenophobic. its ironic that even the black people want to be white, while the white people want to be black. We lighten our skins, chop and saw off our body parts just to ''fit in''. we even indoctrinate our kids in the western ways all to be who they are not. Love yourselves, love that black shiny skin, love that kinky afro, love those curves, open your minds. We are black, we are Africans, we are proud! Stop the hate!

#‎shunxenophobia‬, #‎BeAfrican‬ #‎BlackandProud‬

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