Friday, May 22, 2015


Thoughts are nothing more than the meal of the's what the mind chews in meditation...and swallows when it is 'thought' through...but then most people 'eat' any kind of fact most chew on thoughts that didn't evolve from themselves!

They swallow greedily everything suggested to them - hook, line and sinker...regard less of its source...forget ful of the fact that thoughts often come in the form of gourmet movies and!

Why would I eat just about ANYTHING!!! Sooner than later, worse things than 'indigestion' will set in...hence the Word says -Guard your heart diligently, for out of it flows the issues ( circumstances) of Life...hmmm...and all these because of the thoughts I keep devouring?

You, how is your heart today?
Is your heart still pure after you watch ungodly entertainment?
What is your thought like during that phone conversation and your chatting on fb, bbm etc with that person?
What do you imagine?
What of those thoughts you get from worldly music and movies and comedy?
What of those jokes you read or listen to?

Are they helpful to your soul?
Do they glorify God?
Judge yourself my friend!

"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer." (Psalm 19:14).

Only the pure in heart will see God (Matthew 5:8)

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