Saturday, May 2, 2015

Did You Know??

If we are considerate of who likes us or not we won't be able to fulfil our destiny.

If we are carried away by emotions, we can't carry out our responsibility.

If we are always looking at the faces of men, we can't become whom we ought to be.

If we are too gentle not to hurt the feelings of others, we will compromise the truth.

If we always collect gift from men, they will shut our mouths from speaking the truth.

A righteous man is known from his boldness to declare the truth.

He does not care whose golden calf is broken.

Sin is what stop men from speaking the truth.

Whoever wants to stop favouring us, let them stop. We nor send!

Whoever wants to stop talking to us because of what we say and how we live, e nor concern us!.

No wonder Christ said, don't think i came to bring peace to the earth, but i came to bring division, father against children, husband against wife etc

What causes the division is not hatred or fight. But the TRUTH OF THE WORD OF GOD is what brings the demarcation.

Light cannot agree with darkness.

Birds of a feather must flock together.

Fools walk with fools, the wise with the wise...

He that walks with the wise shall be wise, a companion of fools will be destroyed.

Stand for the truth, to hell with their money, to hell with their gift, to hell with their promotion.

I'd rather walk alone in the Light rejected and neglected than to be accepted, praised and honoured by fools in darkness and falsehood.

Persecution is our trademark, we wear it all day with joy on our faces.

We may be in lack, in need, we may be destitute of what life demands, we will trust in the Lord. And if we don't get them. We will still be satisfied!
They can deprive you of opportunity, jobs,etc, they can reject you, they can persecute you.

But don't let them pocket you, shut your mouth, demonize you, colonize you, opinionate you, don't let them intimidate you.

I do not have fearful people and cowards as friends. Either you become bold or you stay away from me. Cowards can know the truth but can't proclaim it. They can be bought with money.

Persecution is allowed but intimidation is forbidden even in the Kingdom of God!

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