As many of you Hebrews would have already noticed, there is a strong pushback from whites when the topic of Christ's colour is raised. Even some of our own people have been brainwashed into defending this chicanery. Notice that whites will immediately move to render the topic of Christ's colour as "non important" when it is brought to the table. Well please hold on a second, these same white christians who claim that they are eagerly keen to destroy lies and replace them with the truth all of a sudden stand down and back off as soon as this topic is placed on the desk. The subject of the colour of Christ is a very important topic of discussion as a false image has been put out there for 100s of years depicting Christ as European in descent when the actual truth is that Christ is Negroid in descent. This false image is a lie and it must be replaced with the truth just like every other lie that has been put out there by the Anglo European Establishment headed by Lucifer himself. This particular lie is not exempt from being scrutinised, smashed down and the truth put in its place. Whenever you debate anybody who attempts to marginalise this subject, you swiftly remind them of this fact and do not allow the opposing force to persuade you into dropping or side tracking away from this topic when it is brought up.
The fact of the matter is that most white people who call themselves Christians/followers of Christ are not honest at all, as if they were really about truth, honesty and integrity they would have begun to speak out against these false images of Christ and his disciples a long time ago however, the majority of whites have kept silent on this issue and have not muttered a word in condemning this treachery. The majority of white folks who claim to follow Christ are not comfortable with the fact that Christ is of Negro descent, this is something that they do not like to even play around with in their minds so they continue to perpetuate the lies by putting up these false images of Christ without hesitation in order to make themselves feel comfortable, uphold their national pride as the so called "superior race" and thus subliminally make others believe that salvation and hope comes through them.
The fact of the matter is that before the late 1400s when Roman Catholic Church decided to use the image of an Italian incestuous murderer and a homosexual to represent the son of God, it was already a well established fact that Christ was black, in fact despite the fact that all idols and images are spoken against in the scriptures, there are many paintings, sculptures and statues that depict Christ, Mary and Joseph as black, scattered around the world today. Of course you will never hear about these representations in the mainstream news nor will you find them openly, you will have to search for them upon your own back.
Remember, whenever you find out that something is wrong, the honourable, right and honest thing to do is to point out the error/lie, remove it by the roots and put the truth in its place. It seems that the majority of white people are not willing to do this when it comes down to this issue, therefore automatically I have to wonder and seriously question what "God" they are really serving and what Christ do they really believe in? Another common tactic of deception that many white people like to execute is if they completely fail to designate Christ under a white title, they will automatically attempt to claim that he is of Middle Eastern or of Far Eastern descent. The reason for this trickery is that these nationalities still allows them to place a foot in the door and gain entry, after all the common people of the Middle East and folks of Eastern Asia are closer to white people than they are to the so called Negro. To declare that Christ is of Negro descent means that the dominant society is completely ruled out of the picture and cannot claim any link or lineage to him whatsoever.
One another common reason that is used by white people when it is claimed that Christ could not have never descended from the Negro nation is the fact that the so called Negro is the poorest nation on the planet, that we blacks do not hold anything of significant value to ourselves and therefore Christ could have never come through us because he came from Heaven which is place rich in glory aswell as possessions therefore obviously Christ would logically want to replicate his former living conditions on earth, right? WRONG, DEAD WRONG!!!!
For starters Christ was HOMELESS(Matthew 8:20/Luke9:58), he did not have any permanent accommodation, he was sleeping in different locations all of the time. This is further confirmed when Christ came walking by and John proclaimed out loud who he was and why he was here. Remember that after this happened 2 of John the Baptist's disciples followed Christ and asked him where he was STAYING. They didn't ask him where his house was, they asked him WHERE HE WAS STAYING(John 1:35-39). Realise that Christ when he was present on earth replicated the exact opposite living conditions of where he had come from ie heaven. Therefore the notion that Christ must have come out of a rich nation of people is utter rubbish and falls flat on its face as if this was the case, his living conditions on earth would have been of a rich standard, the complete opposite of what they actually were.
Notice also the type of people that Christ associated with. The majority of the time he was surrounded by and catering to the poor people of any particular location he visited. He rarely moved about with rich folks and when they would invite him to their houses for food and fellowship, he always seem to cascade them on various issues commonly due to their arrogant and prideful mindset. Christ's residential condition on earth and the people who he commonly associated with as far as I am concerned are very big clues that further point to who the true people of the Most High are, the outcasts of society and the poorest people on the planet. 2+2 equals 4 everytime, you do the math. Of course there are many white people who still cannot do the math honestly and who will still attempt to introduce anomalies into the equation in order to yield a different result.
A believer in Christ whether Hebrew or gentile should be ready to deal with any topic and any questions asked or at least be able to point the enquirer in the right and appropriate direction. I am NOT a chicken neck, I will deal with any and all topics that are raised hence why this blog deals with a variety of different subjects. Yes, there are also many black people who are afraid to deal with this topic however it is white people who have the tools and the ability to propagate the lie that Christ is not of Negro descent, and they openly do this on a daily basis with no shame and no remorse for their ill doings. Put in "Christ" or "Jesus/Jesus Christ" into a search engine under the title of images and you tell me what image is commonly replicated.
White people for the most part will never accept that Christ is black because if they ever did reach that point, they would then realise that they are in deep, deep trouble as they would correctly conclude that they have treated his people(the so called Negro) like complete and utter trash, this applies to those calling themselves "christians" also. This deliberate denial also boils down to the fact that white folks in general believe that they are superior to black people, even those who profess to be followers of Christ. They even more so, do not allow that "christian" tag to fool you, the majority of white christians still hold radical views on who they are, who has the right to be in control and who should "serve". You have been tricked dearly if you believe that these attribute somehow disappear when white folks profess to know Christ and serve him.
I will not back away from controversial topics such as these, these issues need to be discussed, this is the truth and this is what I deal with. I have only come across a handful of whites that have not only acknowledged the truth as to the colour of Christ, but have also acknowledged and embraced the truth as to who the true blood Hebrews are, which are the so called Negroes today. The majority of whites will continue to perpetuate the lie, uphold the false European images, tell you to shut your mouth and not to focus on such issues of "non importance". Ours is not to convince them, ours is to continue to proclaim the truth regardless of who accepts or rejects it.
We as Hebrews are all familiar with the scriptures that clearly point out that Christ is black and his people are of the same however here I simply wanted to deal with the basic mentality behind why most white people continue to put out and represent these false images of Christ liberally without shame or guilt.
The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues
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Most High Bless
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