Human species are generally difficult to deal with and control, Thomas Hobbes in his "state of nature" portrayed the chaotic and uncontrollable character intrinsic in the essence of man. Humanity judging from their actions and habits, continuously act as pollutants to the beautiful work and structure of material reality, which is composed of mainly; the blue seas, the big blue sky, the valleys and the green huge forests that set up a contrasting but pleasant view.
These beautiful work and structure of this material reality (the world) must have come into existence by an Artist, who also includes humanity in His work of art in order to show his creative supremacy by playing an abstract game with the ethical principles of good and evil as a fundamental rule. For the sake of simplification and clarification, introducing the idea of the "toy-box" is to represent the whole empirical material reality sculpted by this Artist whose source of existence is unknown.
This analogy of the "Artist" and his masterpiece- the "toy-box" establishes that the entire nature of man and his actions towards society and himself are constructed and controlled to please only the Artist's plan. Man is designed by the Artist to play two major roles, and although the Artist's toy-box is beautifully made with the pattern of goodness without any stain or pollution of evil, He made man with the patterns of both good and evil, hence, though man is good he is polluted, why is it so? In the beginning, the Artist sculpted the toy-box within 6 days and man (representing the whole of humanity) was His last sculpted figure. Man was initially made with the substance of goodness, and stepping further, the Artist sculpted man in His own form and image, at this time man was polished with goodness and innocence tallying with the beautiful and good structure of the toy-box, then the Artist rested on the 7th day putting man in the middle of the box as an important piece.
The Artist was proud with his masterpiece and he was ready to play with His creation using man as His key instrument. He saw that the box and man were both patterned with goodness, but the Artist with His outstanding knowledge, reasoned that another pattern needed to be added to the box, so that goodness will be truly seen as being meaningful, for without this pattern the importance and beauty of "goodness" of the Artist masterpiece would not properly glitter, thereby leaving it un-attractive and indirectly showing a fault in the Artist creativity and power.
The Artist decided then to attach this new pattern to His most favorite piece (man), and this new pattern the Artist called "evil" which was a concept and a pattern made with polluted substances, just for the sole aim of bringing out fully the aesthetic goodness of His box. The Artist gave man a gift which was "the illusion of free-will" since man was looking burdened possessing two patterns (goodness and evil), the gift was to make man switch from both good and evil at any time, but the Artist, in order to retain the attractive nature of "goodness" in His box, which cannot be achieved if man switched or chose his good pattern often, added another substance to evil, which He called "temptation".
Temptation was a substance so strong and powerful that was made to deceive man into thinking that evil was more attractive than good, man found it extremely difficult to resist temptation, and he fell flat to evil and he gave-in to pollution. All these was the Artist game play to fuel His innate power of creativity and supremacy, using man to entertain Himself and to promote the "goodness"' of His masterpiece. On a final note, the human- polluted- personality and nature, was indoctrinated in the world not to destroy it but to show the meaningfulness of goodness, without the sure existence of evil, goodness is meaningless, and the Artist knows this. Baruch Spinoza a prominent mid-century rationalist and philosopher agreed with the "Stoics" that the pollution of evil in the world is necessary to show the perfection and supremacy of God, and God uses Evil as a tool to order and co-ordinate His box. On a conclusive note, man with the help of temptation has grown so attached to evil's pollution, neglecting at oftentimes his good and positive side but it is all part of the design and game-plan to assure that "goodness" is not meaningless, though the existence of goodness is not dependent on the existence of evil, but the primary message here is that, the existence of evil in this box of reality is a pattern needed to showcase and appreciate what it means to be good.
Raymond Ojeogwu.
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