Well No Good person would love to see the downfall of another ,well what is Good to you?
Some might say that anybody that is happy with the fact that linda ikeji has been temporarily flushed out of business is an enemy of progress, is it right to eat off somebody's labor without atleast giving the person credit according to the allegations fashioned against her dou?.....
Well in the Business world , Battle,rivalry,hatred and competition is constant
You will love to see your Rival or a person you feel is a threat to you,your product or brand go down the drain, so you can be the major brand in the market or maybe so the person can come looking for your services, let's not talk about how Dangote managed to takeover the Nigerian Economy and how software engineers and scientists create viruses that will be a threat to our devices so we will be forced to buy their antivirus/remedy programs/softwares
Most people love linda ikeji's hustle ,A couple of Bloggers don't see her as a rival in the blogging world , some envy her though like damn who doesn't want to bag $900,000 (N140 million) working from home?
Na you like hard work pass?
Linda Ikeji has also directly and remotely motivated a couple of women to become self-independent ,
I have a lot of friends that love her to bit and always make sure they visit her blog nothing less than five times a day just to see her updates , and see the way she slanders Those celebs chai
People say she rose to fame by tarnishing the image of others (you cant a million friends without 1 enemy so i dig), in the pics below is a list of celebs she has had problem with in the past
However let's not allow that get into the way of our reasoning faculty ,
it is no news bloggers and news platforms sometimes use their fellow bloggers and partners as a source of getting information ,
Well I have visited Her deleted blog a couple of times and she makes reference to her news source
On that ground bravo nice one boo ,
but putting our emotions and sentiments aside , Infringement of Intellectual property,content theft, Plagiarism, accusation of defamation and copyright infringement are all illegal
Looking at it from that a rational perspective we can say that she is guilty of some these charges because she admitted it in her *Arrogant Ass* post of yesterday
Well apart from the fact that she is guilty, Another major reason why I feel she was shut down is because of her arrogance ,
The Long Ass* article she posted yesterday trying to justify her actions and telling the Mr Ayeade aka EE , Who lead the #ShutDownlindaikeji'sBlog Agenda To 'Bring It on' he is a hater , enemy of progress etc,
well that was so uncalled for , or unless when you have a very good escapist pan on ground (which we haven't seen)
But wait a minute Who does that? When you are guilty of breaking a couple of rules , you should be loyal and show some kind of remorse or try to buy your way out of the case/situation like the rich people do , well I don't know if she tried to secretly , but that post was to buff men , it must have some type of action on the reaction on ground
Don't know if she did that because she feel she has a very big fan base, well we just hope they are really loyal as she think !
Because human beings are really funny creatures , you won't know who got your back until you find yourself in some mess
According to AML(AfricaMusicLaw) LINDA IKEJI'S mistake?
1. Not incorporating as a business to shield herself from personal liability. If she is sued now, her cars, houses, and other personal assets will be hit. Incorporating protects your business assets. Folks be sure to review my article on Nigerian Company Law to learn how to incorporate your business in Nigeria. Also watch my video below on the Sahara TV show to learn more about what I speak of.
2. Not having her own self hosted platform. If her violations are where Google believes there is no redemption, since it is claimed there are several authors with infringing works on her platform , then her blog could be deleted by Google, just like that
Below are some really ratiocinative tweets that I munched , you can drop your comments
We love linda ikeji and hope she bounces back as fast as possible and in a better way, She has Money she
can afford a good idea .lol
And there Goes a warning/Lesson to Bloggers out there
Author: Mastermind
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