In other words, they are supposed to guide (shepherd) them so that they don't fall away so that they could remain on the path to the expected destination. And the basic requisite to achieve this is by preaching the gospel truth.
They warn people in their preaching to desist from all forms of evils. Based on this, anybody would think they are saints. They are ministers of God. Whatever they tell the people or pronounce is considered sacrosanct and should be obeyed. So, pastors are always revered by their congregation because of their divine status
But Pastor Moses Alu, the overseer of The Bride Assembly, Lagos, has a bombshell for them. He wants them to be seriously warned. Instead of them (the pastors) to warn others, they are now the ones to be warned to desist from wrong doctrinal practices and misconducts in the church.
According to the Nassarawa State –born firebrand preacher who got converted to Christianity from a Muslim family, so many men of God had deviated from the truth, lamenting that they compromise the gospel. Consequently, there are many errors being committed in the Christendom in the recent t.ime. While most of them have relegated the message of salvation to the background, giving undue priority to miracles, others have desecrated basic Christian standards.
While warning that nobody should interpret the scripture to suit his or her personal interest but God's mind, Pastor Alu affirms that the Bible's position supercedes any personal position on any issue bordering on doctrinal principles and Christian living.
One man show church
So many pastors have turned their churches to a one man jamboree whereby only the so-called general overseer, superintendent, bishop, Reverend Dr, Right Reverend etc is the overall head. He is the apostle, prophet, teacher, evangelist, miracle worker, church administrator, administration among others? How can only one man be fulfilling the five-fold ministries in a church where God has shared these gifts among different ministers?
How can God gather thousands of believers and use only one man for preaching, healing, prophecy, teaching, evangelism, deliverance etc? Any head pastor that does that is operating a one man show which is not healthy for the church. Apart from the fact that it does not allow for rapid growth of the church, it also hinders other ministers who have any given gifts to fulfil his calling. Ministers who God has blessed with various gifts must be given a level-playing ground to operate freely in order to fulfil their ministries.
While doing that, they remain one body in Christ.
With a view to shedding more light on the fundamentals of calling and election of ministers in true Christian practice, The Bride Assembly is organising its annual camp power –packed event which will feature teachings on Holy Ghost baptism, spiritual gifts, prophetic ministration, healing, deliverance among others. The programme entitled: Making Your Calling and Election Sure which began on Monday, June 7, to end on Saturday, is holding at the church auditorium situated at the serene Endeavour Crescent, Odofin Park Estate, Ijesha Bus Stop, Lagos, with Pastor Alu and other anointed men of God ministering.
Prophecy without solution
It's unfortunate that there are ministers of God who claim to have a prophetic ministry and prophesy to their congregation and other people around but can't proffer solution to whatever problem they claim to have discovered in the lives of the people. It therefore means there is no fruit or fulfillment in the ministry they claim to be keeping. Also disturbing is the avalanche of fake prophets all over the land, deceiving people who are desperate to get to the root of whatever problem they are passing through or whatever is going on in their lives ( II Peter 2:1-2 ). So, the gullible look for people who they think can see vision for them.
God's calling is meant to fulfil specific purposes. Any servant of God that has a genuine prophetic calling must always be able to proffer solution to any given problem revealed. God can not reveal a problem and would not equally reveal the root cause and the way out. After all, the Bible says that where there is no vision, people perish. This simply means that when there is a vision people should not (will no longer) perish because a vision is meant for a solution.
Secrets behind signs and wonders at The Bride Assembly
Since The Bride Assembly came into existence a few years ago, there has been awesome presence of God Almighty and the manifestation of His might, power and glory in the church. The signs and wonders the Lord Jesus promised us in Mark 16:17 have been coming to reality in the church. "And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name they shall cast out devils ; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
By virtue of this promise, Jesus made signs and wonders a free gift to everybody (that believes). That is why there is overflowing of the power of God with signs and wonders following the ministers he has given diverse gifts.
As there are different cases in the church and diverse challenges facing the people, so also God has given diverse gifts and callings to his servants to attend to them accordingly.
Giving undue glory to ministers
In some churches today, members of the church give undue glory to their pastor instead of God Almighty whenever any miracles take place in their lives. A servant can not be higher than his master. Perhaps they ignorantly believe that it is the pastor that has the power being used to perform the miracles. If you view it critically, you would agree with me that the pastor also enjoys such glory instead of correcting the error. Some of them become indignant when they are not celebrated. Others don't give pastoral attention to the flock due to the latter's failure to celebrate them, but to those who give them gifts they do.
Another lamentable trend is that some general overseers or head pastors celebrate themselves on the church signboards as if they are the owners of the church. Jesus is the owner of the church, not the pastor or his wife. In most cases, the pastor's wife gets automatic title (Pastor Mrs) even though the woman does not have a calling or any gifts of the spirit. She automatically becomes the women leader just because she is the pastor's wife; whereas there are other women that have true callings and full of the fruits of the spirit that fit into the position that can allow signs and wonders to follow them.
People should learn to give God the glory in everything, not the pastor. But this does not mean that pastors don't deserve respect. They must be appreciated. But all glory must be given to the Lord.
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